Did you ever wish that you could actually do that?? Put time in a bottle?? I do! And I know exactly what I would do when I figured out how... I would bottle it up... create a flashy label and a cute catchy jingle... then I would mass market it with a target to stay at home moms... I seriously think I would be rich in a matter of days.
But now... really... come on... I can't do that! So instead I take pictures... Aren't they the best thing to make memories with??
I can't believe that Emma turned two... I can't believe that two years ago I went through three days of labor and then two and half hours of pushing before she graced us with her presence... and while those two years have gone by so fast I have so many memories.
Emma has come so far in the last few months. She is talking in four word sentences... I can't wait to see what she comes up with next! Every day she amazes me with the things that she can do and what she says.
She LOVES to play with her dolls and pretend that she is a mommy. It is so cute to see her put the babies in Josiah's swing and then turn it on... And then when that gets old she feeds them and puts them to bed..
Emma has a love for Elmo... Almost an obsession... and so therfore we will be constructing an Elmo cake for her birthday... the pics will be up sometime after the birthday party next week.
She can count to 5 now and is well on her way to counting to 10... She can pick out some letters and tell me what they are... I can't wait to start teaching her the whole alphabet!
While she throws numerous tantrums every day... and never fails to let me know when she is in a bad mood I still love how she can turn even the worst day into the best one... She will just come up and give me the biggest hug and kiss and then run back off to what she was doing....
Happy 2nd birthday Emma!