It seems that every time that I get online to post some pics of the family, that is exactly when Blogger decides to have a brainfart and not allow me to upload pics... Doing some research online this seems to be pretty common with Blogger... Hence... STUPID BLOGGER.... Who cares if it is free?? It is completely unreliable and really causes me NOT to want to blog! I would like to be able to do what I want to do when I have the time to do it! Not when Blogger deems it okay!
Anyways... due to the fact that I am really mad at Blogger I will not be posting pics today... Just some updates.
Josiah is now dragging himself everywhere... um... I like them better when they stay where you put them! No seriously.. he is really moving therefore EVERYTHING goes in his mouth... Guess it is time to baby proof again... *sigh*. He also seems to have inherited his daddy's temper... Darn! I just really hope one of my poor children gets by unscathed! When I mentioned this to Pete he just got a smirk on his face, laughed and said "Sorry!"
Emma is still not potty trained... It's. Getting. Old. At what point do they finally think... Oh! I think I will use the potty!? But if nothing else at least she has proven bright in other areas... we have comments quite often that she talks quite fluently for a two year old... I don't really have any other kids to really compare her to so I don't usually say much when I do hear this... the doctor's just told me she was normal.
Both of the kids have decided lately that it is fun to wake mom up at night! Who knows why.... Emma's favorite thing to do is come into our room at night and stare at me until I wake up... CREEPY! It is usually for something crazy... A drink or a blanket... Last night it was because she wanted to watch cartoons!! What??!! I walk her back to her room and pray every night that she won't wake Si up...
I had my appointment today... I am 17 weeks and 2 days. We heard the heartbeat and all is well... The midwife is still convinced there is only one in there! I sure hope so!! The baby is moving like crazy all the time now and making its presence known every day a few times a day now. It is nice to have the reassurance that he/she is still there and kicking... literally! Next Tuesday is the big day! We will find out if Bean is a girl baby or a boy baby... So far we only have a girl's name picked out.... We did have a boy's name picked out but Pete changed his mind. So instead of arguing over another boy name we are going to wait and see if it even deserves discussion!
I have been very reluctant of my blog... I just want to apologize and try to be better... I am starting to feel better now that I am well into the second trimester... I am hoping life will be on an upswing here soon!
17wk 2ds
Heartbeat: Normal and strong
Weight gain: 2 lbs total
Movement: Quite active!
(PS... when Blogger decides to play nice I will post some pics...)