You came on a Monday and two days later we were home. That first night you showed signs of a sensitivity to your formula. So we struggled along for about two and a half weeks before we called the doctor. He put you on soy and for about four to five days you were much better. We actually got some sleep!
Then you started to get worse again... no one was sleeping and you cried so much... Mommy was hurting just knowing that you were so uncomfortable.

So this past Tuesday we went in for your one month checkup. We found out that you are 10lbs 120z and 22 inches long... Growing so fast!
Mommy talked to Dr. B. and told him about your problems eating and how miserable you had become. So he suggested that we put you on the hypoallerginic formula... Expensive.... But so worth it!! You are so much happier now and you sleep so much better. It is definitely a trade-off to see you better.

Well... maybe not.. But it is a start!!
You still don't smile... I wish you did... I get those cute little smiles in your sleep... The ones where you are probably passing gas... or maybe peeing.. Who knows... But I sure can't wait till you dazzle us with a big gummy smile!!
Something I have learned since you have come to be with us is that the second time around is much easier... I am not so uptight about things... but then again I do get concerned sooner because I have some experience now! But things are definitely a little bit more laid back with you... Heck if your binky falls on the floor we examine it and then put it back where it was... and who cares if you don't get a bath every night... thank you to the man who invented baby wipes!!
I look back at the last month and I just can't believe how it has flown! Before I know it you are going to be one year old and eating birthday cake... But until then I am going to savor every moment that God gives me with you... For you, baby boy, are my last little one... and I want to cherish every little baby moment that I have with you... My only request is this: Please don't grow up to fast....
1 comment:
What a beautiful post, and a beautiful boy.
I second the notion that it has gone tremendously fast. I am certain you just had him yesterday...
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