Yummy!! Look what I made today! Emma was running around screaming cookies because she saw someone eating them on TV... Darn that TV!
So I figured what they heck... I could use some chocolate.
I used my last two sticks of butter Emma! I hope you're happy!!
In other news. I finished two more diapers today. Click on my flickr to check one of them out. I tried it out on Josiah as well. But about five minutes after I put it on he pooed! So I didn't get to see how well the soakers work.
Well... Pete and I are wondering if we should try to find a bigger house now since we ended up with a boy this go around and not another girl. We only have two bedrooms in our mobile home. At the time we desperately needed a home and took what we could get! So unfortunately there aren't enough bedrooms now!
We have a realtor, who specializes in mobile homes, coming by on Friday to take a look and tell us our options. I am all for moving now if it will benefit us due to the fact that mobile homes depreciate with age. However I am also okay with staying put till Emma reaches puberty (at which point sharing a room with her brother will no longer be good!) and saving for a downpayment for a bigger home.
Since we aren't sure what we should do yet we are just exploring our options, seeking advice from our parents and of course giving it over to God and trusting He will provide a way for us no matter which route we take.
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