It's a guessing game....
Anyone want to venture a guess as to what this might be??

Wait... what was that??? You want to know what a stick with two lines on it is???
Well... I'll tell ya! It would be a positive sign that we (meaning the adults) will be outnumbered by the end of this year. Yup... another curtain climber is on it's way. Why don't we call him/her, Bean.
Now before you drop all your pearls of wisdom on us whether it be by comment, email or phone I would like to say something. Pete and I were surprised to say the least... this was not in our plans. We were using various methods of protection which obviously did not work. So this in no way is a reflection on our level of responsibility... we have been married for going on 4 years and we DO know how to prevent pregnancy. God intervened with our method and still allowed Bean to be created. Pete and I are both firm believers that God makes NO mistakes. He will provide financially, physically and emotionally. Someone smart once said "If God brings you to it, God will get you through it."
So before you sit back and pass judgement on how we should have done something differently or try to give us your unsolicited advice (which we all know is close to bursting out of your mouths!) why don't you take a second look at how Pete and I feel.
We had both believed that we were done. We had been discussing our options and had come to a decision and had executed said decision two days before we found out our news. God has other plans for us. I believe Bean is going to prove to be someone special.
So PLEASE don't remind us of facts that are already glaring us in the face concerning our finances and lives. Instead try to remember all things happen for a reason...
And if Pete and I have accepted it... couldn't you??
No WAY!! Congrats to you all! You're joining the ranks of mom's with 3... trust me, it's much easier than going from one to two. And third children are just lovely little souls.
I'll be wishing you good things all the way through...
Congratulations Bekah! I pray that this pregnancy goes easier on you than the last one....I believe you and Pete have the right outlook on this....Children are definately a blessing, even when we dont plan them! Congrats!
As the mom of an unexpected third child (who is just a tad bit older than Josiah) I probably know something of what you're feeling right now.
It'll be fine. Really. Gonna be OK. I totally ditto what Krista said -- the transition from one to two is MUCH harder than the transition from two to three.
So, um, I have this pregnancy blogging site with a big ol' list of expectant bloggers. I'll be adding you to the January due date (totally guessing here) blogroll. Let me know if you'd like me to remove your blog.
And congrats again. I hope the people who have less than charitable reactions to your big news keep their thoughts to themselves.
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