Wednesday, April 19, 2006


It seems like I have no time anymore to blog! And when I think about it I am doing something else!

Well I hope to change that... Once a week just isn't enough... So I am going to start with baby steps I think... 2-3 times a week... then build it back up!

I was reading my archives from the pregnancy and I was a bloggin' maniac!! I had a post up nearly every day... in fact it wasn't till here in the last month or so that things have gotten hectic and I find myself way behind in the blogsphere....

So starting FRIDAY I will get back into the swing of things... I will not be home tomorrow... For all of my dedicated and diehard fans... (all 2-3 of you) I am so sorry for the lapse of time I have let go between posts.

1 comment:

MrsJennaHatfield said...

I come and go. Sometimes, like right now, I'm a blogging fiend. Mostly it's because my Husband is gone for two weeks and I'm insanely lonely. No doubt when he gets home, I'll go back to being boring and sporadic. ;)