Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to traumatize a two year old

First take all morning to make a yummy nutritional carrot cake.

Then pour it into an Elmo shaped pan.

Next, wait for approximately 40 minutes for it to cook.

After that put it on a cooling rack in the fridge so it will cool in time for the party!

When that is done spend about 20 minutes trying to mix just the right shades of black, red and orange.

Proceed to frost this Elmo shaped cake with a pastry bag and misc. tips.

Lose all feeling in both hands after 45 minutes of squeezing.

Place cake in the fridge to chill and allow the frosting to set.

At the appointed time, remove cake from fridge and put candles on it.

Bring it to the table lit up.

Allow the 2 year old to blow out said candles.

Ask which piece she would like, pointing out the cool eyeballs.

Cut off the eyeball and place in front of 2 year old.

Sit back, watch her scream, push the eyeball away and refuse to eat any part of the cake.

Mommy should have known that cutting the eyeball off of Elmo would scare the crap out of her!

(Pictures of the cake to follow when the missing camera is found)


Caren said...

I would love to see video of that! I'm sure she wont be eternally traumatized :)

Bekah said...

Well being the slacker parents that we are there are no pictures or video... Doh!