Thursday, October 19, 2006

27 weeks 4 days

I was thinking about how far along I am today. I can't believe how fast the last seven or so months have gone! It seems like so long ago that I found out I was carrying Abby. But by the same token it feels like it was just a couple weeks ago. This pregnancy has been so similar to Emma's that it is kind of weird! But it does make it easy for me to realize that all that I am experiencing is okay and normal. The one thing that is different from both of my previous pregnancies is that I am not gaining weight.

It is strange and sometimes I do worry about it. But so far the midwife isn't worried about it. Abby is growing right on target so there really isn't a cause to worry yet. I do know one thing though... I doubt, very highly, that Abby will be as large as Josiah was. And you know what? That is perfectly fine with me! Because maybe that means that pushing her out will be a breeze! According to my midwife/doula she says I should cough this one right out... Should I get that in writing!?

I am finally starting to get things ready. It has taken me a long time with this baby... mostly because I just did this all last year! It is nice to know that we don't have to get too much stuff though since we have a lot of Emma's things still sitting in storage. We will just need to supplement with some winter clothing and we will be all set. So far I have spent a vast majority of my nesting by sewing and knitting and crocheting for the baby. So far I have 25 newborn diapers sewn up. Three cut out and ready to sew. Two covers done and one cut out and ready to sew. I have one pair of longies (wool soaker pants) done and another one my needles that hopefully I will get the desire to finish sometime soon. Although when it comes to knitting I have actually commissioned some online friends to make me some more soakers and longies because I just don't think I will finish many more. A friend in Canada (Jamie my dumb link button won't work!) is knitting me some longies and a soaker. A friend in Oregon is making me a pair of longies and a soaker. And a friend in NY will be making a pair of crocheted longies... I just need to pay the friend in NY, and make the diaper in trade for the friend in Oregon and send the friend in Canada the yarn... Um... I better get on that soon! That would make five longies and two soakers. I have plans for two soakers myself which would bring the total up to four... That would be nine wool covers... That is awesome!! I can't wait to use it all on her!! She is going to be one comfy baby that is for sure!

We got a cradle from my grandparents that they had found in their attic when they moved in. My mom is graciously stripping it and staining for me... I really wanted to but everyone told me I couldn't breath in those toxic fumes! So that should be done soon and then I can get that all ready to go.

I know that I still have as little as 10 weeks to go... could be as much as 14 weeks! But I really hope that Abby decides to make her debut as soon as the last two have! That would just be awesome.... Another tax deduction!!!

All in all I feel good right now and I hope it continues to be that way as I head into the third trimester. Feel free to peruse my flickr account for pics of the things I have completed for the baby. I won't be able to load anymore pics for another week. Guess I should give in and pay for the upgrade at Flickr!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Hey... how do you do that?