Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A possible money maker??

I had an appointment today with my midwife. I had brought in some of my cloth diapers to show her so that I could ask her if I could use them while we were in the hospital. She was looking at them for the longest and raving about them. The one diaper that she was particularly interested in had a snap in soaker. So after a few minutes she asked me if I could make some of those contoured pads but a bit wider. I looked at her and asked her if she wanted them for cloth pads. She smiled and was glad I knew why she was asking!

So I have been commissioned to make her some Mama pads!! She wants to pay me for them too! Too bad I don't know how much to charge!! To top it all off she told me that if and when I am ready to sell my diapers to let her know and she will promote them at their office!!

I am so excited that I may have a way to help out our family financially! (Although I am sure some of the money will go to support my fabric addiction! She also told me to tell Maureen, my doula, because she knows tons of people that use cloth and would be able to promote my diapers too!

So that just leaves me with one problem. I need a business name so that I can have a logo and labels to put on my diapers. I am thinking about.... "Heavenly Fluff".... I didn't want to make any references to diapers in case I decide to sell other things I sew. So far that domain name is not taken on the internet!! So everyone tell me what they think of the name so I can decide!


I am 29 weeks and 2 days today! So far I have gained two pounds since the last visit but I still have 8 pounds to gain to even get up to my prepregnancy weight. The baby is head down (well today she was!) and her heart sounded great. I will be having an ultrasound in a couple of weeks to check everything out. I talked to my midwife today about a lot of the birth stuff... So I will hopefully be getting a jacuzzi tub this time! Also she will be coming in again for my birth which I am really excited about! And the best thing I think I negotiated was that I get to use my diapers on Abby at the hospital so a disposable doesn't have to touch her bummy!

Technically 10 weeks and 5 days left... But I am praying for 8 weeks and 5 days!

Hope it goes by fast!!

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