Monday, October 09, 2006

From the mouth.... of Emma

A little something to brighten your day...

It never ceases to amaze me the way a two year old mind works and the things that come out of their mouths!

Last night as we were driving home...

There was a HUGE harvest moon out.

Emma: "Look at da moon mom!"

Mom: "Yes, I see it... it's big isn't it?"

Emma: "Yes mom!"

Mom and dad proceed with the interrupted conversation.

Emma: "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Mom: "Wait a second Emma daddy is saying something to mommy."

Emma: "No mom HEAR ME NOW!


On occasion I will deny Emma something her little heart desires. For instance say that she is whining about going to bed and wants to watch cartoons. I will tell her she has to wait till tomorrow. Her retort??

"NO! It's not tomorrow anymore!!

Anything that I say no about can be used to replace the word tomorrow in the previous sentence. It can become pretty funny.


"Mommy I want supper"

"Emma it is time for breakfast!"

"NO! It's not breakfast anymore!"

See what I mean?


Tonight at the dinner table.

I am singing Emma a little song... something about yummys in her tummys.

She tells me its not tummys anymore??? Whatever that is supposed to mean.

The following ensues.

Mom: "Emma where do the pancakes go? Are they in your tummy?"

Emma: "No mom. It's not my tummys anymore!"

Mom: "Emma... where do the pancakes go when you eat them?"

Emma: "Mom... I just eatin em."

Mom: "Emma where do the pancakes go after you swallow them?"

Emma (spoken in great anger): "I not swallowing. I just eatin!"

Brought a smile to my face so I thought I would share!

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