Sunday, January 07, 2007

Nada, zilch, nothin'

Still no baby. Lots of false labor. But no baby.

I am having a very difficult time staying positive. Not because of being pregnant but because of all the contractions I have had. On this past Monday night I had them all night long, literally, 2-3 minutes apart. Then they started to space out and I called the midwife crying and telling her I couldn't do this anymore.

Then there was yesterday. ALL DAY LONG. I had contractions that were 6-7 minutes apart. Painful, uncomfortable, take your breath away, contractions. But did I have a baby?? NO!

And then today... The contractions never really stopped. But there is no pattern today. Some are 5 minutes, some are 10 minutes. Either way it's tiring and every time I have a contraction I just pray that they will stay and do something or just go away.

Furthermore. I am 39 weeks today. And while I know technically I am not due until next Sunday I am having a hard time emotionally with this because I had never even made it to 38 weeks previously. So I have seen two more numbers go by that I have never had to experience. And wow... I am glad I didn't have to do this the last two times. I can't believe how incredibly uncomfortable I am!

So if I don't go into labor by the 21st they are going to induce. Normally I would say no... but at this point I don't care anymore... I just want this to be over. I am at the end of my rope emotionally and mentally and anything is better than where I am at right now. And boy... two more weeks of this seems like eternity. I just keep looking back at the week that just went by and reminding myself it went by fairly quickly.

I will try and keep everyone posted! Hopefully Abby will come by the end of the week sometime!

1 comment:

Caren said...

Bekah, you poor thing! I'm so sorry Abby hasnt made an appearance yet! I'm praying for you. Just remember that God is in control of everything!