Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Batten down the hatches!!!!

Emma has hit the terrible twos!!

But first I need to clear something up... did I spell batten right?? Cause here is what Webster's says:

1bat·ten Pronunciation: 'ba-t&nFunction: verbInflected Form(s): bat·tened; bat·ten·ing /'bat-ni[ng], 'ba-t&n-i[ng]/Etymology: probably from Old Norse batna to improve; akin to Old English betera betterintransitive senses a : to grow fat b : to feed gluttonously2 : to grow prosperous especially at the expense of another -- usually used with ontransitive senses : FATTEN

I mean if you look at that definition batten down the hatches doesn't sound right...

Okay enough English for one day... Emma has seriously gone off the deep end.. She has become very defiant! She will sit and stare at me deliberately and do whatever I just told her not to do!!! She also runs off in the middle of stores if you let go for even a split second! We have tried all kinds of punishments... NOT WORKING!

My only hope is that she will be almost through the terrible twos when Bean is born. Oh and it would appear that Josiah may be our soft hearted one. He startles at everything! He cries when he hears loud noises and he has to keep mommy in sight at all times!

Today proved to be trying... Emma was into everything! And unfortunately morning sickness (which is NOT just in the morning) is rearing its ugly head pretty bad here. It is getting almost as bad as it was with Emma. Although I must say a big slice of pizza sounds good right now!

Tomorrow is another day.....


Caren said...

Bekah, it sounds like you have your hands full. I am praying for you that God gives you tons of patience, and lots of good times. I know it may seem impossible at times, but like you said in your previous post, God wont give you anything you cant handle without him. Take advantage of times when people are willing to babysit for you. Get out by yourself. If I were there, I'd do my best to help you. Who knows? We may be back in the Syracuse area before the year is out. We'll keep you posted! Then maybe we can meet in person! You're in our prayers. I hope the morning sickness doesnt last too long!

Bekah said...

Hey that would be fun! You will have to let me know when you get back. I'll make it... it is just that sometimes it doesn't feel like it!