Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The baby has made it's presence known

I have been feeling little taps and such for about 2-3 weeks but I would always dismiss it as gas because it just wasn't "obvious" as it was with my other two pregnancies! But last Friday I was sitting in a chair with my abdomen all scrunched up because I was leaning over and I felt a pretty big kick that surprised me! It was a movement that made me think " That was definitely the baby!"

Since Friday I haven't felt anything consistent... just little jabs here and there... but now that I know that it really is the baby I am able to distinguish the movements much easier.

Hopefully in the next couple of weeks Pete will be able to enjoy the movement as well... We are still on the countdown till the ultrasound which will probably be in two weeks or so. Bean will then have an identity!


Caren said...

yeah for babies! I've been praying for you guys...hope everything is getting back to normal. Is Pete all healed up from his surgery?

Bekah said...

Sorry I haven't answered! He is doing great!! Everything seems to have cleared up.