Friday, October 14, 2005

Life as I know it... (aka family updates)

Well this headache that I have had for two weeks is still going strong. I call the doctor's office about twice a week and tell them about it... hoping it isn't my blood pressure. They continue to reassure me that it isn't. Today my midwife called in a prescription for pain meds to take at night... She says they are okay to take when pregnant. I trust her. But I had hoped not to get to that point.

Then yesterday to top it all off I had to take that glucose tolerance test where you drink that nasty orange carbonated beverage then have your blood drawn an hour later... I uh had a little reaction to it to say the least. The room was spinning and I had all I could do to sit in a chair... I got through it okay then went down to the doctor's office only to find out that my midwife was upstairs in the middle of a delivery and I had to reschedule my appointment! I was so bummed. When you are pregnant you LIVE for those appointments!! But at any rate I will get to go in on Monday and FINALLY have my blood pressure checked.

Today I went to have my eyes checked... THANK GOD that my prescription hadn't changed enough to warrant new glasses so that saved us about $150!! But at least we ruled out my eyes as the cause of the headaches.

The baby continues to keep me awake at night and seems to have found a new comfy home under my ribcage! FUN FUN! We are very anxious to meet our Josiah though and pray every day for his safety and for the cyst to be gone at our next ultrasound.

We are starting our childbirth education classes next Tuesday... I am really excited because she is a born again Christian and incoporates God and the bible into her classes. I am hoping that I get through this labor easier and faster with her tuterage!

Pete is not getting such good hours at work lately. Although it comes and goes so we just roll with the punches. Other than that he can't complain about work.

Well I think that about sums up our life at this moment in the year!

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