Sunday, October 02, 2005

Strange Dreams

I am wondering... are we brainwashed at a young age to believe something?? Or is it just a principle that is ingrained into our beings that just suddenly becomes a sense of propriety???

The reason I ask? I have always been brought up that girls where dresses to church... the whole nine yards. Dress, stockings, dress shoes, nice hair.... you get the idea. The problem becomes that when one is pregnant it is VERY hard to find dress clothes for women the size of cows that don't make you look like a cow... or better yet... the side of a barn... (or is it just me??) I went to the maternity store yesterday in desperate need of a skirt. NOTHING! Well nothing modest and certainly nothing that would allow me to go stocking-less. Can you imagine a big pregnant lady trying to put on stockings?? So I leave the store empty handed after all.... IT IS TABOO TO WEAR PANTS TO CHURCH!!!

In the end I had chats with several people that I consider my closest mentors... They all agree... Wear pants if it will make you feel comfortable, never mind what people think! It is only temporary! So back to the store I go... this time with an aunt and grandmother ( worked nicer than with the hubby and dearest daughter!) And came home with three pairs of lovely pants and shirts to match.

Here is where the dream comes in! I go to sleep last night thinking... Oh my gosh! I can't where pants...what are people going to think??? I am the associate pastor's grandaughter. I then go on to dream that I walk into the church with pants, everyone so shocked I would do such a thing! Then the pastor calls an emergency meeting and says... Women are supposed to wear dresses!!! At which point half the church gets up and walks out. I wake this morning thinking OH GREAT! I caused a church split because I wore pants!

So I ask again is it brainwashing?? Hmmm.... I don't really know. I do know though, that I was SO much more comfortable today, no one said anything to me about my outfit except that I looked nice and most importantly our church congregation is still intact.....

Boy I sure will be glad when this baby comes and I stop having these weird dreams!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Yup dad you're probably right!