Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Please remind me

Dear Lord,

Would it be possible to remind me sometime in the future how much I suffered through my pregnancies???

When I suddenly become riddled with baby fever could You remind of me of the sleepless nights I experienced while pregnant?? Could You remind of the eternal back pain?? How it never went away and when I got up at night to answer yet another call of nature I would sometimes almost fall on the floor because my lower back could no longer support me??

Would it be okay if You could just gently whisper in my ear how I stayed up at night sometimes with heartburn to the point that I was sure I was going to die a slow agonizing death?? And how it didn’t seem to matter what I ate??

Would You remind me of my daughter’s four day labor marathon that ended with 2 and half hours of hellish pushing?? Only to find out that the problems all came from a "sunny side up" face and a diagonally positioned head?? And when the time comes, if it becomes necessary, remind me of me of my son’s magical entrance into the world???

In the future when I see a baby or hold one could You remind me that I already went through that?? And that I am now back into the blissful days where I can sleep at night?? And maybe even take my eyes off of my grown children for a moment long enough to find a bathroom??

And when I hold that baby and think about how nice it would be to have "JUST ONE MORE", remind me that I already used that excuse??

Please, sometime in the future remind me of how sure I was that I only wanted two children, a boy and girl, and while You are at it could You remind me, that is exactly what You blessed me with???

I say all this because Dear Lord, I am still not sure that I want to quit after this one even though at times lately I just wish someone would take me out behind the barn and shoot me!!

Give me peace with the two beautiful children that You have given me (I hope Josiah is beautiful!). Remind me that life isn’t just about babyhood! I still have toddler-hood, child-hood, and those wonderful teenage years ahead....

Oh and yeah.. One more thing.. Remind me that someday I will be a grandma! Babies without the pain of pregnancy, labor and delivery!!!!!



Bekah said...

Hehe... I assume that if you prayed that too that you think two is sufficient as well??

Still kinda sad to say no more though!

Bekah said...

Hmm.... I never thought about being outnumbered!

I will have to keep that in mind... One for each of us! Wouldn't want a third getting into mischeif while we were taking care of the first two!