Monday, September 11, 2006

I never had a chance to remember!

I was looking back at some of my old archives. I think it was because I was bored or needed reminders of Josiah's pregnancy... no seriously, I was looking back to see when my first post was so I would know when to write my one year anniversary post!

Anyways I ran across an old post that really cracked me up. At the time I was dead serious! I was in the middle (actually way past the middle) of my pregnancy with Josiah and was just plain sick of it! I never was one that enjoyed pregnancy.

So I look back at that now and think about how I didn't even have the chance to be reminded of my previous pregnancies or births! I just kind of "got pregnant" There was no thought involved. In fact I was totally oblivious to the fact that I was pregnant till lovely Aunt Flo never arrived. This was quite strange considering the other three times I was pregnant I just "knew". The reason I didn't have any inclination this time was because this pregnancy was completely a surprise! There was no baby fever... I never once thought about having another baby.... Never had to be reminded of anyone that I don't like being pregnant... It just happened! Ahhh!!

So now here I am, 22 weeks pregnant and really wondering how this pregnancy is going to pan out. So far I have not had any painful contractions that keep me up at night. Not that that is the only thing I usually experience. I am having my normal lion's share of bathroom breaks in the night which is quite annoying... and my back hurts just as much as it did the last time...

No... this time I have something else to contend with... A nine month who refuses to sleep... EVER.

Holy crap! I would take back pain and contractions any day to the sheer exhaustion I feel every day! It is draining enough to be pregnant. Add in Josiah. The boy who thinks that 8 hours of sleep a day is enough for a baby his age. Uh... no it is not! Our nights go something like this:

Put Josiah down in his crib. Hear him scream thirty minutes later because he realizes that someone put him down! Keep your fingers crossed that he will just go back to sleep. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. If he doesn't we go through this all again. Put to sleep, put to bed, cry thirty minutes later. If he DOES go to sleep then if we are lucky we won't hear from him for a little while. But then we have to get Emma to bed. Read a couple of books, watch a little tv with daddy (the much coveted event of the day) then off to bed with strict instructions NOT to make noise and wake up Si! Then finally... finally Pete and I are alone for the first time all day. And usually this is two hours after Josiah went to bed. So we know we have already lost two hours of potential sleep. Sometimes we get really lucky and he won't wake up till 5am... but unfortunately who wants to get up an hour before the alarm? That's rough! Actually what is worse is when he gets up at 4am and you know because of that, by the time he gets back to sleep and in his crib you won't be able to go back to bed! So there are some days that my day starts at 4am... Not right... Sometimes I am lucky and he gets up at 2am and then I can get a couple more hours of sleep before it is time to get up with Pete or until Emma gets up.

Now I know what some of you are thinking... well my kid gets up two or three times a night! I would love to only have to get up once.... Well if that is what you are thinking... go blog about it! This is my pity party.

Because then the day goes something like this. Pete leaves for work. The kids scream all morning... Emma wants juice, she wants to watch cartoons, she wants me to get Josiah 'out' of her room... And then there is Josiah. He is so incredibly tired since he didn't sleep last night, that he spends his morning on the floor fussing and playing and then fussing some more because he is so tired! Then finally lunch time comes. We eat lunch I put Emma down for her nap and feed Josiah, hopeing that he will sleep for his nap... But he usually doesn't. He is famous for his thirty minute power naps. Drink the bottle, go to sleep, lay in bed and wake up 30 minutes later much to consternation of his mother... Who has also been up since 4 am and would love a nap. But Josiah has other plans. Then Emma gets up. There is no hope left for Josiah's nap and we just count the time till daddy comes home and we can all go to bed again.

How sad does my life sound?? Isn't it pathetic how it all surrounds sleep???

My only hope is that this baby will be different... the proverbial perfect third baby... Until then I really hope this old pregnant mare can get 40 winks....


Caren said...

I hope you're able to get some sleep too. Maybe an angel in the form of a human will come and offer to babysit your kids for you a couple times a week and let you get some rest. If I wasnt in Germany, I'd offer. But I will pray for that for you. I'll also pray for supernatural energy to overcome the exhaustion.

Megan said...

Pity on, my dear! In fact, I'll join you for a mo..
Cade-man (8 months old) had a weird fever-thing all week last week, me and hubby both started work last week after moving last weekend and all the stress of it landed this pregnant (19 weeks) mare into Emerg on Saturday.
I'll think of you tonight when I'm up with Cade (as usual!)

Bekah said...

Thanks guys... actually Siah's sleeping habits have gotten a lot better this week since he cut that last tooth and we found diapers that keep him dry at night!

I haven't had to get up all week! It has been great!

Berritt said...

I feel your pain, mama. I really do.