Friday, September 01, 2006

No rest for the weary

I think I may have found one of the worst downfalls of motherhood today.

Being sick and not being able to "be" sick...

You mom's know how it is! You wake up sicker than a dog but the kids are still in need of your care and hubby has to go to work. And it wouldn't be fair to ask someone to come watch the kids because who wants to enter a house full of germs! I have been lucky thus far, to not be sick that often since having kids. I do remember one time when Emma was only a few months old that I got pretty sick and my parents came and took her for me. The time I remember after that was almost 2 years later just this past January about a month after Josiah was born. But at the time I could take some good old Tylenol Cold and feel at least functional enough to take care of the kids! I hardly ever get sick! Why today? Couldn't it have waited one more day for the weekend??

But now... I am pregnant... I can't take anything "good"! So here I lay on the couch with my laptop, a pounding headache, stopped up nose, scratchy throat, achey and wondering why Josiah can't sleep in his crib during the day. He sleeps there all night long by himself. But during the day?? Heck no! I desperately wanted to snooze while Emma watched Seasame Street this morning. So I put him to bed after his bottle. He last all of about five minutes in there.

It just isn't fair!!

Five o'clock just can't come fast enough today!!!


Caren said...

Awww...poor Bekah! I hope you feel better soon.

MrsJennaHatfield said...

Gah. We were all sick with a summer cold last week, including Josh... so I had to take care of it all. GAH! SUCKY. Feel better soon.

Megan said...

This is my biggest peeve about being a Mummy. I love Cade to pieces, but I really thing it's a raw deal when you need looking after and have to still look after. When I was pregnant with Cade I did nothing I didn't want to do. This pregnancy.. hah! Anyways, hope you're feeling better soon.. do you have friends/family that you can pawn the kids off on?