Friday, November 25, 2005


So I was getting really bored with that gray color on my last template... Kinda depressing... So I switched to this one... Don't know if it is any better though.

Oh and I also decided I needed to add a ticker to help remind me that IT is almost over!!

We made a little trip to the hospital this morning... again. This time I was feeling lots of yuck and wet down there and TONS of pressure with every contraction that I have.

So when I got there they checked to see if I was leaking fluid.... NOPE! And she didn't seem all that concerned about the pressure since my cervix was still closed. But! She said that it could definitely be the cause of the horrendous hemorrhoids that have moved in down south which may I add are totally uncomfortable, painful and torturous?... At any rate... The baby's heartrate was kinda fast so they wanted me to stay and be watched for a little while. They tanked me up with some fluids and watched my contractions and then deemed me able to go home.

I only have one complaint.... The nurse asked me what I was having... I said a boy. So she says awww... the million dollar family!... I answer, Yup I am done, it is apparent to me my body doesn't like to be pregnant!

Here it is... sit down... the rudeness is about to come... Ready??

She answers "Well, a little more time between babies would probably have done the trick!"

WHAT????? How rude is that?? Is it any of her business how close my children are?? Besides all that, Emma was 11 months old when I got pregnant... she should concentrate that statement on women who find themselves with child again before their six week checkup (not that that is a problem in my eyes either!)... Someone should tell that lady to SHUT UP! And besides all that if it had anything to do with the spacing of the kids then I wouldn't have had this same exact problem with Emma.

Okay I am done ranting about it.

Thanksgiving was very nice! We played games and food and watched the snow come down outside! Here is the only problem as far as I could see... Being pregnant during the holidays stinks! You can't fit as much pie in there as your little heart desires!!


Bekah said...

Thank you Lisa! If I could take the midwives and hospital without those nurses life would be lovely!!
When I was in labor with my daughter they hardly ever made an appearance in my room...

Bekah said...

Jamie! I would NEVER say something like that! :)

Aw.. I just figured she was one of them nurses that had her babies the supposedly perfect 5 years apart!