Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I made it one more week!!! Today I am officially 34 weeks. Only one more week left to go till we are in the safe zone for prematurity!!!

I am still getting contractions. Some days are better than others. Night time is usually pretty bad for me. Just like it was with Emma.

For the most part they are just tightenings during the day. But at night... well that is when they get bad. Last night I was up for two hours with them. I would just doze off between them and I would get another worse than the last that would wake me right up. I just breath through them and it seems to get me through.

Today I was talking to Pete and I said "Hey! Since all these contractions started two weeks earlier than they did with Emma, if they follow the same pattern then there is a good possibility that we could have a baby by the end of NEXT week!" (Don't worry... my hopes are no where near up!)

He looked at me, shook his head and said... "Boy that makes it finally sink in, doesn't it?"

Uh... dear?? Just to let you know... We are having a baby.


Caren said...

We're praying that you make it to 37 weeks! Just rest as much as you can. When Josiah wants to come, he'll come :)

Bekah said...

Thanks for the prayers Caren... We are hoping to make it to 37 weeks as well... then we know we will be able to take him home!

And yes... men are definitely funny!!