Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I knew it!!!

I don't usually blog about the news... But this I couldn't pass up...

I knew that I was right! Tonight on the news I heard Dr. Ferber himself say that his method of putting a child to sleep is not always the right way...

So when the nurse at our pediatrician's told me to go home over the weekend and let her cry it out till she fell asleep, and I thought HOW BARBARIC! I was RIGHT!

Oh and this is good....

"Actually, there is no change, I think that's a misconception," said Ferber, the director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at the Children's Hospital in Boston. "Our approach has always been one of compassion."

Yeah... whatever... Compassion... Riiiight... So we let our kids scream till they are scared crapless thinking that we are never going to come and get them if they need us!!! I am sorry.... But I find it very hard to believe that a child under the age of one has this going through their mind... "Hmm... if I cry just a bit longer I KNOW she will come get me... hehehhe.... Just like I planned...."

Okay I am done now.


Caren said...

Honestly, I think some crying it out is beneficial to a child. Specially if they havent learned to put themselves to sleep. Some kids will just lay there and put themselves to sleep and not even make a sound, whereas my kids were not like that. We had a couple of nights of crying it out (I only let them cry for a max of 30 minutes, and if their crying sounded like they were scared and not just mad that I'd left them alone in their room, I'd go reassure them) and then it was okay. So I think it just depends on how you as a mother feel. If you dont want to let your kids cry it out, then dont! :)

Bekah said...

I actually did end up letting Emma cry a little bit...But like you said as a mother you can usually tell when that cry means you should go check.

I just never like the extent to which the Ferber method went. I think it is horrible to let them cry for up to an hour or more.

She still cries herself to sleep a little. But it is kind of like that moaning, singing myself to sleep cry. Nothing drastic!