Friday, February 24, 2006

Can you see them??

Check out our newest family members.... Oh wait, that's right.... YOU CAN'T!!! They never come out of hiding.

We bought two tetra fish for Emma the other day thinking she would like to see them swim around... the problem is that they never swim around... they just stay next to the intake tube for the filter!!

I told Pete we should just go back and get "Nemo" !!


MrsJennaHatfield said...

Our fish always ate each other. And they were happy, get-along-together fish. *rolls eyes*

Mrs. Darling said...

I hate fish because when they die someone hs to get them out and flush them down the toilet. That someone always ended up being me!

Bekah said...

Well we broke down and decided to get a clown fish and saltwater tank!