Monday, February 06, 2006

We're Baaack!

Wow... what long week I had!!

Last Saturday night (Jan. 28) Josiah's cold got really bad and I started to notice that he was having a hard time breathing... So I brought him in to the ER. After about four hours there they told me he just had a cold and that I should just watch him and it would eventually go away...

So Sunday we got up and got ready for church... We went and Josiah was okay not himself but okay... By afternoon he had thrown up every feeding I gave him, was still having a hard time breathing and wasn't wetting his diapers much... So we made a second trip to the ER...

This time after closer examination, a few tests and listening to me recount the last 24 hours to at least five different residents, they finally decided to admit him. The head of pediatrics for that shift assured me it would probably be just an overnight observation...

Sometime in the middle of the night he started to have a harder time breathing and his oxygen levels went down so they gave him oxygen.. The would then pound on his chest..(something called Chest Percussion Therapy) and then deep suction him with a catheter that went in his nose and down into his chest...

At around 4 AM I broke down... I was by myself and could no longer stand watching them do all they had to do... So I called my mom and she came out to be with me...

So what turned out to be a supposedly short stay at the hospital turned out to be a six night stay! He would seem to get better but then have to be put back on oxygen and get more breathing treatments... Then on Thursday he started to throw up after every feeding...

So they put him back on the IV after he had already been taken off of it... Then on Friday they took it off again and then back on again and went into some investigation of the cause...

Eventually they came to the crazy conclusion that he has a milk protein intolerance. Now I knew already that he was having a problem because he is on Nutramagen... A hypoallerginic formula. But now they were saying it was bad enough to warrent another formula change. This one would cost us $128 a week!!!

Finally after changing his formula and watching him for another 24 hours we got to go home on Saturday afternoon... Now, I think he was getting sick after the feedings because he had so much mucus! But who am I??? Certainly not the doctors!

Today we went in for a checkup to make sure he was doing okay... I told his pediatrician about the formula change they made at the hospital but that Josiah didn't seem to like it and wouldn't take more than 2 ounces instead of his normal 4... Not to mention we were back to getting up every two hours... So the ped told me to go back to the Nutramagen since it had been working before he got sick and if he was having problems we would address the issue again...

So that was my week! It sure is good to be home.. I was getting sick of sleeping in that sorry excuse of a fold out bed! My flannel sheets felt so good the other night! And that cafeteria food was good the first few days then it got old! Yumm... finally I was able to get some homemade food!

I am just so glad that Josiah pulled through... and that Emma (who got sick last week as well) is better now.. Now maybe life will settle down into a nice routine and we can move on! Boy I can't wait till spring is here... supposedly six more weeks... We shall see!

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