Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Where did the day go?

Pumping and breastfeeding is taking up all my time!

I now breastfeed the baby every two hours... and if he isn't ready after two hours I pump...

The lactation consultant told me today that they need to be stimulated every two hours for a couple weeks to build up supply.

Problem? I am using a supplemental system where Josiah gets formula through a tiny tube while nursing to help me build up my supply and to allow him to still get nourishment. The bottle only holds two ounces... Not enough for an 11 lb 7 oz baby. So when I give him the extra ounce in the bottle he isn't ready in two hours for another go around...

So needless to say my day seemed to have vanished into thin air... what with the nursing, pumping and reprimanding Emma all day (who, might I add, seems to know when I can't get her out of the trouble that she creates...)

Ah motherhood....

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