Friday, January 27, 2006

Stickers, Potty and Bedtime

Emma is slowing learning more about the potty and when she has to go. She has a huge desire to use the potty and hates to have her diapers on. Usually after a bath and every time we get her dressed and change her diaper she says "Potty, potty, potty."

So far she has three stickers on her chart. One for a poo and two for the pees. She knows now that those stickers only get there by using the potty. So it is funny how she will sit on the potty forever even if she already went in her diaper. I think she is hoping some more will come so she can get a sticker.... very cute.

I would say a little bit longer and I will start her in the training pants. I am really proud of how she is catching on. We are still a long way off from being totally trained. But it is a start and a good one.

Tonight though was a different story. She was using the potty to postpone bedtime. Isn't it amazing how their minds work at this age?? I kept telling her to hurry so we could go to bed... She would get off the potty and I would say "Are you ready to go to bed?" To which she would answer with loud emphatic no's and proceed to race back to the potty and sit back down... I finally had to drag her away and tell her I already gave her a sticker for the drop she managed to squeeze out.

She's finally in bed now... Boy... almost two is a crazy age!

Oh! I finally started to use the cloth diapers I made for Josiah... It is going really well... And washing them out isn't so bad afterall... I think we will probably stick with the cloth...I like how the fleece that I used to line them with keeps his bum really dry! Drier then a disposable in fact!

1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

First time reader just stopping by supporting another sahm!