Saturday, January 07, 2006

A word to the wise... or not so wise...

I stayed awake last night debating whether or not I should do this... Only because it may cause strife! But I decided finally that yes... I am going to write this no matter what because it is time that I stood up for myself... I am a grown adult now... a mother and a wife... I have the right to explain myself to whoever will listen...

It came to my attention last night that some of my single readers who don't have children think they have all the answers concerning child rearing... and even concerning marriage itself... Let me just say that unless you, yourself are in a specific situation you don't know how you will react, what you will say or even do...

I used to look at people before I had kids and criticize how they took care of them, how they disciplined or even just their family life in general... but it wasn't until I was actually in a family of my own that I realized just how hard it can be at times... Life it isn't easy... and I would say that parenthood is high on the list of difficulties.

To say that someone should be able to take care of two screaming children at the same time (I mean they are literally both screaming at the same time!) is absurd... Especially when you yourself don't have any children of your own and don't know what it is like to care for them.... and especially if one of those said children are running high fevers... and the other child thinks that he is starving!! Having two kids is a whole other ballgame!! Child care is a full time job for anyone... ask any mother that and they will tell you the same thing... so adding a second child to that makes a big difference.

Add to the top of that, a recovery from childbirth which contrary to popular belief takes more than a few weeks the second time around. I found that with Emma I bounced back so quickly that people were amazed that I had just had a baby! I was up with her three and four times a night... and I was rarely ever tired... but people... listen to me! She was my only child... if I was tired during the day I would just sleep when she slept!! With Josiah I haven't exactly bounced back so quickly... and he is also my "difficult" baby... he never sleeps and he has had many problems with eating... I bled longer this time... and each time that I got up to try and do some house work the bleeding would get really bad... I finally called the midwife and she told me that not only was I bleeding more because it was a second baby... but also because he was a LARGE baby... she told me I HAD to take it easy if I wanted it to stop...

Anyways... I said all that to say this... I have found... and so has my husband... that the best thing that keeps families going is teamwork... if that means that dad has to take a night time feeding then so be it... or maybe he has to cook a meal... no problem he can do that too... Because in the grand scheme of things in a couple more weeks I am going to be back to my old self... Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry... baking bread... make jellies... cookies... Knitting... crocheting...

So what some of these readers lack in knowledge was how I was before I got pregnant with Josiah and that I have every full intention of being that wife and mother again when my life slows down a little! And when I am finally that person again my hubby will be rewarded for the help he gave me because he too knew that it was only temporary!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Yeah! Kinda Like Wife swap!