Tuesday, January 03, 2006

She did it!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a few! Been kinda busy!! I didn't even get to post for the new year... Oh well...

Anyways!!!! Emma went pee pee in the potty tonight!

Yesterday when she got up she kept grabbing her diaper and saying "Poo, poo." There was poop in there so I changed her.

Tonight I was putting her to bed and she kept saying that again and grabbing her diaper... I called my mom to see what I should do... cause there wasn't any poo in there! Mom told me to put her on the potty.

I did and she sat there for a little bit... when she got up there were little three little drops in there so I said " Yeah! Emma went pee pee in the potty!!" She clapped her hands then sat back down... so I left her there because Josiah was screaming.... after I took care of him for a minute she came waltzing out of the bathroom with her pants at her ankles... I went in to check the potty and she had peed in it!! A lot!! So we had a little party... dumped it down the toilet and said bye bye to it. She was excited... But I was sad cause I had missed it!

Well I was kinda hoping this was going to wait till spring when I wasn't so frazzled but I can't ignore the signs... so here we go... embarking on the potty training... hopefully it won't be too hard... Guess we need to go to Walmart and pick out some big girl undies! Maybe we can do that tomorrow... and I want to get some stickers and a poster board so she can have a reward system going... I am praying I can do this!


Caren said...

Bekah, thats awesome! Your little girl is growing up! Enjoy the potty training....my daughter is 3 and she has no interest....:)

Bekah said...

uh... she seems to have lost interest in it for the last few days!