Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm in love with Dr. Brown!!!

Someone recommended Dr. Brown's bottles to me a couple of days ago due to Josiah's refusal to eat and the excessive gas.

Can I just say that the aforementioned Dr. Brown deserves a medal??? Josiah now takes three ounces at every feeding... Sleeps longer... Doesn't throw up and burps less!!! I am sooo happy that he is better!

The downfall?? The price!! Today while at Babies R' Us I was examining all the bottles... I decided on the skinny 4 ounce bottles... The price for ONE bottle was $4.99... Or I could get three for $12.99... I chose the set of three PRAYING that Josiah would actually like the bottle...

He did! And so tomorrow I plan on going back to the store and getting three more bottles... But I think that I will end up getting the 8 oz bottles because I don't want to invest in tons of 4 ozers only to have to back out and buy the bigger ones later on...

Thanks Dr. Brown!

Emma has taken to Josiah so well... Not a bit of jealousy... we are so thankful for that. She is constantly wanting to help... She will try to put his binky in his mouth when he is crying... She throws away dirty diapers for me... And she wants to help with everything else as well!

But tonight when I was in the kitchen cleaning out some bottles I hear this:


I look in the living room and she is pushing the baby swing as far as it would go in both directions and poor Josiah was slumped all the way forward his little head bobbing...
I went CRAZY! I went in and told her NOOOOO you can hurt the baby that way... Of course she got very upset and proceeded to cry after I swatted her... (Yes... we spank our children... get over it!) But needless to say she hasn't done it again... Except later in the evening I caught her with a little makeup applicator for eyeshadow and she was trying to put that on Josiah as well...

Life will be interesting when they are finally able to play with each other!

Ah another cute thing.... She goes around and says in a sing songy voice...

" 'siah... 'siah... 'siah..."

That is what she calls him... Too cute!

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