Thursday, December 29, 2005

Throw me a PARTY!!!!


I just had to tell everyone that I fit into my prepregnancy jeans today! And I don't even mind telling everyone... they are a size 10!! I am sooo happy... It really bolstered my spirits to be able to do that! Not to mention. According to my scale I am back to prepregnancy weight... although I think it is a few pounds off according to the doctor's scale... So any weight that I lose now is BONUS!

Anyways.. enough boasting.

Josiah went in for his weight check today. He had gained 5 oz since last Friday. The doctor said that is completely acceptable. And being that he is my old boss he then proceeded to tell me to relax and stop being so uptight. He said to let Josiah eat when he wants and however much he wants. Stop looking at the marks on the bottles and stop worrying. So I guess that is what I am going to try to do.

Although I am thinking about trying out a different bottle to see if it helps any. I have been reading reviews on it tonight. They are pretty pricey. But compared to the Ventairs that we bought they are about the same. Maybe they will help with the gas and stuff... We shall see. Some of the reviews said it even allowed the babies to take more in one setting due to the reduction of air in their stomachs... Since I am currently using $1 dollar bottles maybe that is our problem! Too much air getting in there and so he isn't taking as much... I am desperate and will try pretty much anything. Although I am sure that Pete will grumble about the price I will remind him it is for a good cause! His son!!

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