Tuesday, December 27, 2005

1 down 6570 to go....

Days until Josiah turns 18.

I made it through my first night alone without Pete... With two kids to take care of!!

I am sooo glad it turned out well... I know it could have been worse... I also know that I will have worse days!! But Josiah was so good and Emma wasn't too, too bad... So it turned out better than I thought it was going to.

I had these horrible fears that I wouldn't be able to handle it... and that I wouldn't feel recovered enough to do it on my own... But I did... I took care of both of them... They both got fed and changed and loved on... I also folded some laundry, cleaned up the living room that was littered with toys and straightened up the kitchen a little...

I only hope that it goes this good for the rest of the week... Only because mommy seems to be coming down with a cold... the same one that wreaked havoc on the household the week before Josiah was born...

Pray that I don't get it as bad as Pete did!

The baby's rash is MUCH better... I think two days without all that excessive pooping really did the trick... I also have been vigilent about putting on the vaseline so I think that helped as well!
Also he is a bit of a tricky eater! He doesn't want to eat... So today I called the ped... I am going to be taking him in on Thursday for a weight check... He has done a bit better tonight... He took three ounces at 4:30... Better than his normal two ounces...

That is all I have time for tonight... Josiah is calling and thinks he is starving to death!!

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