Saturday, December 10, 2005

Our last night out

Tonight was probably Pete and I's last night out for a long time... Come to think of it it was actually the first in a long time too!!

Anyways... We went to Garcia's for a late lunch... Both of us secretly hoping the mexican spices would send me into labor...

Then we went to see a late matinee... We chose Narnia... so I thought I would come on and tell everyone what I thought...

It was good... for a book made into a movie... but my opinion is that the symbolism that C.S Lewis was trying to get across was totally lost in the movie for the most part.

If I was an unbeliever I think that I would receive the message and understand what Lewis was trying to portray better through the book... I am not sure how an unbeliever would see the symbolism in the movie..

But all in it was a good way to spend a few hours... We will probably end up buying the movie...

No news yet on the other!

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