Friday, December 02, 2005

Someone please just shoot me....

Allright... I know what you guys are all thinking... Great... more boring reading about poor little old Bekah's contractions... Click... Think I will move on now...

But seriously now... I need someone to vent too!

I am trying soooo hard to stay positive right now... but with every day that goes by and I still don't have anything to show for all these stinkin' contractions I just want to... well I don't really know what I want to do...

Last night was horrible... everytime I woke up I was in the middle of a really bad contraction... so therefore I would have no control and couldn't relax... Then here is the worse part... This morning Pete and I were up at about 8. I started to get the contractions about 3-6 minutes apart... So painful that I would have to literally stop whatever I was doing and concentrate on relaxing and breathing. And if anyone tried to talk to me I wouldn't answer... The went on like this for about two hours... Getting worse with every one... I was SURE this was going to be the day... I even called my mom (wait... that is what made it stop!) Then at about 10... NOTHING...

Why??? I just don't understand why I have to go through this... it just isn't fair... everyone else I know that has babies... just has them... No big deal. Why can't I be this way?? I just sit and cry when I think about it... And what makes it so bad this time is that if he isn't born earlier than Emma then I will have gone through it much longer and be all the more tired at the end. Like I am down before I even start.

I starting to really believe that I am going to go all the way to my due date. I know I shouldn't complain as I am not really even close to my due date... Four weeks... but I just can't take much more of this... I am becoming sleep deprived... my attitude stinks... and I just don't want to be around anyone anymore...

They say that no two pregnancies or labors are alike... I can deal with that... But it is becoming very hard to not say.. hey... at this point with Emma I was almost done ( I didn't know it! but I was!) Because who is to say that he won't decided to show up 4 weeks from now?? On Monday I will be 36 weeks... And within a week and a few days of when Emma showed up... Do you think that the old wives tale that the second baby comes sooner is true?? Cause I am beginning to think NOT...

My only hope now is that those HORRIBLE contractions from this morning will grace us with their presence later on today and stay... wouldn't it be just convenient too with it being the weekend and all???


K said...

I know exactly how you're feeling right now. You will not be pregnant forever, that you can count on. but I know how hard it is waiting, and being so uncomfortable. Everyday. seems. to. drag.... It will all be worth the wait don't forget it, you'll have a beautiful baby in yuor arms soon...and you've come this far!

Hang in there girl!

Bekah said...

Thanks guys!! I know I can't be pregnant forever... but boy... the end sure does feel like forever.

Caren said...

We're praying for you Bekah! The end is always the hardest. Josiah has to come out some time :)