Thursday, December 07, 2006

Still hanging in there

I am still around.... but boy am I getting tired of all this!

In lieu of complaining about contractions and such I decided I would talk about what I am getting done! I am supposed to be taking it easy. But I figured that on the off chance Abby makes an early appearance maybe I should get some stuff done!

Yesterday I managed to clean our bedroom! You can see the floor now! And then I emptied my small dresser so that I could put Abby's things in it. Now I am down a dresser. But it was easier than going out and buying one! I did a bunch of laundry... but you couldn't tell by looking at the pile that still has to be done! While cleaning up and sorting baby clothes I found a bag full of white flannel fitteds... size small... leftover from Emma that never got used with Si because I couldn't find them... I was so happy! Now I don't feel pressured to sew a bunch more size smalls. I can just concentrate on getting things ready to go for the baby. Especially since I have put it off for so long!

On Monday and Tuesday I ended up sewing two diaper bags. And as soon as I can get our dumb digital camera to work I will put up pics... One is all pink... Pete hates it! The other one is a blue corduroy with purple and green flowers with a green inside. He says he can tolerate that one! So now I can pack Abby's bag and then I suppose I should think about getting mine packed. Although like I said before I never use what I pack!

Now I just have three diapers sitting unfinished. A pair of wool pants unfinished and a soaker unfinished. If I can finish that in the next two-three weeks I will be ready by Christmas... That's my goal! Although talking to some people they all think I will never make it till Christmas. I on other hand the pessimist in the family thinks is will be January. I would not want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed on New's Years Eve!!

So I guess instead of sitting here on the computer maybe I will get up and do some work! I only have three more days to get through and I will be 35 weeks.... And past the point of no return!


Anonymous said...

Just delurking to say ... hang in there! Easy for me to say. I hope your little one holds off for a little while longer to give you a chance to prepare. I don't blame you for wishing it would be either one way or the other though. I'd be the same way!

Bekah said...

Hey! Thanks for delurking! And thanks for understanding!