Saturday, December 02, 2006

I didn't sign up for this!

Last night we were woken by a sick two year old.... um... we are talking stomach bug sick. You know... the gross kind! So all night she was up sick. Her loving father stayed up with her and the bucket while I stayed in the other room to take care of the other one who was up (although he wasn't sick!)

Emma was fine this morning and acted like she was never sick! Fast forward to this afternoon. Pete is sick now... couple hours later... me too!! Sigh... we are just waiting for the last one to fall now... Josiah. So far he shows no signs of being sick. But I fully expect to be up all night with him.

So on to the part that I didn't sign up for... I think it is kind of funny how we decide we want kids! But we never give thought to all the bodily fluids that comes along with parenthood! This has been my worse fear... Sick... everywhere... by someone other than me. Yuck! Now even though it wasn't all that bad it was made worse by the fact that Pete and I are sick as well! It just isn't fair for the whole family to be sick at the same time. Especially mom who still has to take care of the kids, house and food detail (which, I might add, sucks when you are sick!)

Here's to hoping we get through tonight in one piece and get a clean slate by Monday.

My only consolation?? At least we all got sick BEFORE Abby was born!

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