Thursday, November 30, 2006

False alarms

After experiencing contractions all yesterday afternoon and evening and then all night I decided I would call the midwives' office this morning. At one point yesterday the contractions had gotten 4-5 minutes apart. I had so hoped that I wouldn't have to deal with this this time!

I spoke with one of the midwives on the phone and she mentioned that the other midwife had told her this is normal for me. I said yes it is but since I had been thouroughly freaked out by the other midwife I was upset this might be true preterm labor this time. She had me come into the office.

I sat there for an hour. Continuing to get contractions the whole time and was finally called back an hour later (they had just sqeezed me in). I got back to a room and the nurse said I would see Michelle (my regular midwife who I haven't seen in over a month) or Pam (the one I talked to on the phone and have never met before). Turns out I see Pam, who is a very nice lady and I wouldn't mind seeing her again. She checked me right away.

She told me that I was not 80% effaced but that I might be about 50% effaced and maybe 1 cm dialated. She said it is quite possible I may have been 80% effaced yesterday but if Abby had changed positions that would cause the effacement to change as well. But she also said it feels like the typical cervix of a woman who has already had two babies. I thanked her for reassuring me and told her that I had just gotten so nervous when one of the other midwives had said yesterday that she hoped to get another two weeks out of me.

Pam laughed and said "Oh we will definitely get two more weeks out of you... most likely 4. You will probably make it to the point you did with the other two."

So although I am still having contractions I am really glad that I got a second opinion so to speak. Now I can breath a bit easier and not overanalyze every twinge. I think I will go back to being oblivious to the contractions and pretend they aren't there till I can't pretend anymore! Besides I really only have 1 week and two more days to worry about preterm labor and then she can come whenever she wants to!

But please.... I still need to finish the diapers, nursing pads, mama pads and other preparations first!

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