Monday, November 06, 2006

Right on cue

I am 30 weeks today. Eight weeks left to go if I go as early as I did with Emma and Si. Ten weeks left to go if I go to my due date.

So what's so special about today? A whole lot of nothing. Except for one thing. Over the weekend those lovely things called contractions started up. Why oh why can't I just have a normal pregnancy??? I had started to think I was going to get by this time with nothing but plain old Braxton Hicks... Nope. Not me. Not ever.

They started on Saturday and I thought maybe it was just cause I had overdone it. But it continued yestrday and that was after almost 2 liters of water. So I guess it is safe to assume that my old friend is back. The only problem I forsee is if they keep me up at night then not only will I have that to contend with that but I will have to still deal with Si and the incessant peeing!

I will just keep my eye on the prize. I refuse to let it get me into the state I was in with Josiah. I know what I get from the pain. Beautiful children! Children, who aside from all their shortcomings, still brighten my day and give me a great reason to wake up in the morning. It brings that newborn baby. The smell of a little head that is cuddled up against your chest. The unconditional love that consumes you from the very center of your soul.

So am I annoyed with the fact that I am going to have the same problem as usual? Heck yah I am!!! But Abby is at the end of the journey and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I can do this again. Because I have to, because I have in the past and because I love my children.

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