Friday, November 17, 2006

An accomplishment!

Josiah spends the first part of his night in his playpen. Then after he wakes in the night he comes to bed with us. This allows us to be alone for a little bit and I can sleep without baby feet in my back!

Well for the past two nights he has gone 7 hours in his playpen and then 8 hours last night. I was soooo happy! He still gets a bottle when he gets up because frankly I would rather just give him the bottle and be able to go back to sleep than to stay up half the night. But we have started to water the formula down. We are hoping that if we do that and end up eventually giving him just water then he will finally decide it isn't worth waking up for!

My new goal is that hopefully Josiah will at least be in his playpen all night by the time Abby comes. If I am lucky maybe we will have been able to transition him back into his crib as well. I am starting to see a light at the end of this dark tunnel. The prospect of getting more sleep has renewed my energy and willingness to have this new baby! Not having to worry about how I will take care of them both is making it much easier on me as well!

Here's to hoping Josiah gets the hang of this sleep thing by Christmas!!

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