Monday, November 27, 2006

I caught the bug

It would seem that I may have finally caught the bug... You know... the nesting bug.

Today I looked around my house and thought... ICK! I need to get on top of cleaning. And I want it all to be clean by the time I am 35 weeks. Just in case. So that gives me less than 2 weeks! As I looked around I made a mental list of what I could do besides the obvious. A thought crossed my mind. I thought to myself "Self... I think you should clean out all of the cabinets, disinfect them and rearrange them." So for any of you that know me personally you know this is NOT like me!

So on my list of things to do tomorrow. Clean the kitchen top to bottom. (Maybe rearrange the cabinets) And I would like to maybe mop the floor... but that might be pushing it! It kills my back to do that!

There has been something bothering me lately too.... I haven't really had any desire to get things ready for Abby yet. Now I don't know if that is because I don't feel like it or what. But I am seriously behind in preparation for her. I have washed some of her clothes. But they are not put away. I need to finish her diapers and then wash all of those. I am finally starting to have a desire to maybe empty out my extra dresser and fill it with nice clean baby clothes. So I think I will make that my goal for the week. We think we may need to buy another infant car seat too... So after I do all that I think we might be somewhat ready for her.


I am 33 weeks now. I can't believe how fast this has gone! Yet even though it felt speedy it feels like these last weeks are going to go forever ( I know that isn't true! ) So I am trying to just get from one week to the next instead of looking at the big picture... It's too discouraging! I sure can't wait to sleep at night without having to answer to nature every 45 minutes! And it sure will be nice to be able to move without feeling like my pelvis is going to tear apart!

Wednesday I am having another ultrasound. This one is to check position of the baby. Since she is breech they want to have a look see and see where she is at this week. I am praying she isn't breech anymore. But I suspect that she moves a lot and I am pretty sure she switches positions often. So even if her head is down on Wednesday that doesn't mean it will be next week! Oh I plan on asking for a reassuring look at her girly bits to make sure I didn't make a bunch of pink diapers for nothing!

I plan on asking the midwife if I can deliver her breech if she stays that way. I really don't want to have a c-section. Surgery scares the poo out of me!

I will update everyone with her position of choice after my appointment on Wednesday!

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