Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Labor??? Or not???

Well here is the second soaker that I finished... The picture isn't very good. But this time I knitted on the cuffs to make them rolled. The next one I make is going to have that cream colored waistband with that blue verigated body, cream colored cuffs and a verigated blue tie.

Back to our regularly scheduled post.

I coulda swore I was in labor last night. In fact if it had been closer to my due date I probably would have packed it up and went to the hospital.

I started to get uncomfortable contractions at around 8:45 last night. They were about 8-10 minutes apart. By two in the morning the pain was keeping me awake and they had gotten closer... 4-6 minutes apart. At this point I couldn't sleep anymore. Since I am only 33 weeks I just laid there and prayed that God would give Josiah at least two more weeks of development. Especially if he does have a problem (the cyst) then at least then he would have a better fighting chance.

At any rate. By the time morning came they had finally died down to a dull roar and I was able to just breath through them and then they stopped. Problem is that now around lunch time today they started back in again. Now they are 7 minutes apart and I feel pressure with them. They don't really hurt though.... I don't know what I should do. Seeing as how my midwife is on vacation... the one I spoke with on Monday said.. well they are just Braxton Hicks... Ignore them... At what point do I stop ignoring and start worrying????

As much as I want to see Josiah and hold him in my arms I want to wait at least TWO MORE WEEKS....


Caren said...

Stop having contractions!!! Give them to VeryMom! :) Just so you know, I'm a friend of Mikes...we went to school together. We're praying for you. Stay in there Josiah!

Bekah said...

Caren Story??? Yup I know who you are!

Thanks for the prayers guys! It is almost 6 in the evening and it appears I may have to call the office later... they are getting bad again...

Caren said...

Bekah, have I met you before? How do you know who I am? :)

Bekah said...

I don't think that we were ever formally introduced... But I know Jon... and Mike and Maretta have pictures of you guys and your daughters... Are you guys still stationed in Germany? I did see you one time from a far off at Brunswick Baptist... But nope never hey.. bekah this is caren.. caren this is bekah...

Caren said...

Thats cool...yeah, we're stationed in Germany now. We like it, but we're looking forward to living near family are the contractions? I hope they've died down now.

Bekah said...

They died down... For now anyways!