Friday, March 03, 2006

I've been busy!

Aside from all the housework , laundry, dirty diapers and three loads of dishes I do a day ( no dishwasher!) I have managed to find the time to play with my new toy!

If you look over at my sidebar you can check out my brand new flickr account and see what I have accomplished!

On top of all the new diapers I need to make (serious miniature plumber's crack going on over here!) I need to sew both of the kids Easter outfits!

Well I have tons of things I would like to blog about... but no time to do it!! Maybe a bit if a photo blog this weekend... let the pictures say it for me!!


MrsJennaHatfield said...

Easter outfits. I've been searching for one for Nicholas that isn't hideous. Apparently boys' clothing is ugly. :(

Bekah said...

Not only that but they are hard to find unless you shop at the big name department stores!