Monday, March 06, 2006

Pinch me! I must be dreaming...

Tonight, the kids and I went grocery shopping after Emma got up from her nap. By the time we got back we didn't have much time till bedtime. So I fed Josiah, then got Emma and I something to eat and did the dishes and put the groceries away.

At about 7:45 I got Emma's pj's on, the same time that bedtime usually is! Anyways she walked away after I got her dressed and I finished picking up the living room. It took me a minute to realize I didn't know where Emma was. I looked in her room and found her. She had climbed into her bed, covered up and had her eyes closed!

I went in and asked her if she wanted a drink and her doll. She said yes so I got those things for her, told her good night and walked out. I finished dishes and left the tv on in the living room (her bedroom door opens into the living room) It is now quarter after nine and I never heard from her again.

Seriously though... is it supposed to be this easy to transfer to a toddler bed??

Lord, let Josiah be this easy going about everything... oh and one other thing... could potty training work like this too??

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