Sunday, December 18, 2005

Just thought I would update everyone...

I started to contract at 2:30am Sunday morning... They were about 15-20 minutes apart... I was able to get a little sleep for the next couple hours... But after a while they woke me again and steadily progressed to 5 minutes apart... At this point the pain in my back was unbearable so I called the midwife... She had me come in...

Once I got there the contractions had spaced out to 7 minutes apart but they checked me anyways... I was 2-3 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced... Progress!! So they suggested the jacuzzi... I was in there for a total of two hours... after which the nurse checked me again... No more dilation but up to as much as 80% effaced.... I got really discouraged... Especially since the contractions had gotten stronger and longer in the tub... She gave me the option to go home or stay... wherever I thought I might be more comfortable..

Since I don't want to be in the hospital for three days before Josiah comes I decided to come home... The nurse definitely thinks this is labor... She felt kinda 50/50 about me going home... But assured us that we probably won't make it to our appointment on this coming Thursday... She believes we will back tonight sometime...

I really hope she is right... We got home and I was able to get a little bit of a nap... After that I had a little bit of hysterical crying because I feel like such a failure.. Like my body just can't do this right... Then I sat and crocheted booties in between contractions... They come as close as 5 minutes apart but as far as ten... So I am still getting discouraged that this isn't it... The only thing that makes me think that it is, is that some of the contractions are PAINFUL and they last well over a minute....

Please pray this baby makes an appearance before tomorrow morning.... I don't think I can take days of this without any pain meds... My back feels like it is going to break in half...

If we have any news to report in the next couple of days we certainly will... I hope our wishes for our Christmas baby come true...


Caren said...

im checking the site constantly...and praying with you!!!! i hope josiah has made an appearance by now!!!!

Caren said...

Did you have the baby? I'm assuming since we havent heard anything for 2 days, that you now have your christmas baby....:) Update us soon! We want pictures :)