Friday, December 09, 2005

What could this mean??

I woke this morning in extreme discomfort...

It would seem that the baby dropped sometime in the night... well that is the only thing that I can think anyways! And if that is the case I know exactly when it happened... 6am... I woke to a horrible pain and the sensation of him rolling his head around in my pelvis... it was terrible!! I had to get up to see if I could get him to move!

It now is very uncomfortable to sit for very long... I can no longer bend over... and if I move just right I get this shooting pain in my pubic bone and am rewarded with a miniature baby head twisiting around in my pelvis... Not to mention the constant urge to go to the bathroom... and not just pee...

Boy if I have to deal with this for the next three weeks I could become very cranky!!

Oh and also... tons of cramping today... Not necessarily contractions... although I still get those... but a crampy kind of period pain...

Oh well.. I have resigned myself to just assume he isn't coming till January... Hey.. New Year's baby would be nice... then we could be on tv and get free stuff!!


K said...

Pain bad.
Baby good.
Cramping bad.
Free stuff gooooood.

You are so close I can hardly stand it. Don't forget what beautiful little creature you have in there causing all that havoc.
Oh, I am SO excited for you.
Babie! Very gooooooooood.

(And I am extremely impressed with your nesting feats, especially the FUDGE).

K said...

Oh yah.. and... Blogger was down that day, no one could post photos. I was rather frustrated with that myself!

Be sure to get some rest to counter act all that nesting!

Bekah said...

Hehe! Free stuff definitely good!

I kinda figured it was blogger.

Guess I will have to try again.